Are you a candidate for veneers? Yes. LUMINEERS BY CERINATE are the biggest breakthrough ever in achieving the smile that you've always wished for. These contact lens-thin "smile shapers" are so thin, yet so strong, that there is no need for the removal of any sensitive tooth structure, no shots, no drilling, and therefore, NO PAIN. No matter what your problem is, LUMINEERS are the perfect solution to your smile issues!
Got a diastema between your front teeth or some other space that you really don't love? LUMINEERS is a fast, non-invasive procedure for fixing spaced teeth. In just two short visits to your dentist, these contact lens-thin "smile shapers" will eliminate the spaces, while keeping your original teeth in tact.
"The greatest advantage, in most cases, is that a Cerinate smile can be created in only two dental visits," states Dr. S. "The color match was perfect and there was no pain during or after the placement." -- Dr. Jeff Siebert, Lewisville, Texas