Are you a candidate for veneers? Yes. LUMINEERS BY CERINATE are the biggest breakthrough ever in achieving the smile that you've always wished for. These contact lens-thin "smile shapers" are so thin, yet so strong, that there is no need for the removal of any sensitive tooth structure, no shots, no drilling, and therefore, NO PAIN. No matter what your problem is, LUMINEERS are the perfect solution to your smile issues!
Do you have a chip on one of your teeth, like right in the front where everyone can see? Bet it bothers you big time. While bonding may offer a temporary fix, it may not be the most reliable way to ensure an attractive smile for the long run. LUMINEERS offers a painless, permanent and pleasant way to fix your chipped tooth for good. You'll always smile with confidence.
Dentist said, "After seeing what LUMINEERS have done for my patients, I knew it was something I needed to do for myself."