Snap-OnSmile FAQ

Q : What is a Snap-On Smile™?

Snap-On Smile™ is a dental appliance that involves no drills, no cutting down of existing tooth structure, no needles, and it’s removable. It's non-invasive, meaning it is also reversible. They fit directly over existing teeth and can be applied to a variety of situations.

It’s made with a specialized resin which allows the appliance to be made as thin as .5mm without compromising strength. Its simple patent design allows a patient to eat without any impingement into the gums.

Q : What kind of material is it made out of?

Snap-On Smile™ appliance is made out of a crystallized type of resin called “Acetyl Resin”. It is unlike acrylic, which makes it more durable and non-staining. The material is also used in heart valve replacement and other minor applications in dentistry. NASA uses it as well within their aircraft cabinetry for its durability. It is very strong and it polishes beautifully.

Q : Does it come in different shades like crowns and dentures do?

You and your dentist can choose from 23 shades and 18 smile designs, giving you an array of choices for your cosmetically enhanced custom fitted appliance.

Q : Who is a candidate?

Any patient looking for an affordable cosmetic alternative to permanent dental work is a Snap-On Smile™ candidate! Well suited for instant gratification, dental phobic and or medically compromised patients, such as chemo or radiation treated patients.

It can also be used in some cases of periodontal disease, as a periodontal splint for mobile teeth by strengthening the teeth going through periodontal treatment. The splint is also helpful because the patient can easily maintain excellent oral hygiene.

Snap-On Smile™ appliance is also ideal for those patients considering a more permanent restoration like veneers, which allows them to take their new smile for a test drive. For others Snap-On Smile™ gives them options they never had before.

Q : What are the steps to receiving a Snap-On Smile™?

After your consultation, your dentist will take an upper and lower impression.

Second, you and your dentist will choose the preferred shape and shade.

Third, your case is sent to Snap-On Smile Creations for fabrication and within 10-14 business days, a beautiful Snap-On Smile™ is ready to be snapped in.

No cementation or bonding is ever needed. It will never come loose or fall out.

Q : What is the turnaround time?

10 to 14 business days is our normal turn-around time. Rush cases are possible, so that could mean a new smile in half the time.

Q : What is the warranty coverage?

Both dentist and patient ordering a Snap-On Smile™ hereby understand that a Snap-On Smile™ is a custom-made appliance and therefore is not returnable for a refund at any time. It can be remade at no additional cost to patient up to 90 days of fabrication.

Q : What foods should not be eaten while wearing Snap-On Smile™?

Patients can eat and drink with their Snap-On Smile™; however, they may choose to start with a softer diet and work their way up to harder more substantial foods. We do advise that, like everything else, it takes some getting used to.

Q : How long are they expected to last?

They should last 3-5 years the same as any removable partial denture or appliance, i.e. brux guards, night guards, etc. We do advise care is needed.

Q : What do you clean them with?

Patients should be informed about maintaining normal oral hygiene for their natural dentition. Patients need to remove and clean their Snap-On Smile™ after meals and before sleeping. The appliance is best maintained by brushing the internal and external surfaces. To obtain the best results, clean with a soft toothbrush. Please use Snap-On Smile™ designated polish and cleaner.

Q : Can you sleep with them on?

Yes! One of the indications for Snap-On Smile™ is that it can be used as a brux guard. So, if have permanent restorations like veneers and want to protect them while you sleep, you can use your Snap-On Smile™. For normal dentition, we DO NOT recommend sleeping with your Snap-On Smile™ in place.

Q : How will they be able to acquire the desired shape?

We recommend that the dentist use different tools available to decide the best shape and shade. One resource that we can recommend is the Vita Shade Guide (for Shade) and the Smile Style Guide (for Shape).

Q : How can we ensure that Snap-On Smile™ does not make the teeth appear bulky compared to the natural teeth?

In some cases the teeth may feel bulky but appear to look natural as they would if wearing veneers or a partial denture. The up side is that it gives just about any patient a cosmetically enhanced smile.

Q : Can the bite change over time?

In some cases the teeth may feel bulky but appear to look natural as they would if wearing veneers or a partial denture. The up side is that it gives just about any patient a cosmetically enhanced smile.

Q : How thick can they go and how thin can we make them?

They can be a thin as .5mm to as thick as 1. mm. or more.

Q : How does it attach?

Snap-On Smile™ uses the natural curvature of your teeth to hold in place (due to the material's flexibility) by utilizing the heights of contour of each individual tooth.

Q : Once the patient is wearing the appliance, does new dental restorations on the upper arch, require re-contouring of Snap-On Smile™ to fit the newly restored arch? How difficult is this?

NO! Snap-On Smile™ appliance does not affect new or existing dental restorations. It adapts and is fitted over it as if it were your natural teeth. This material has a unique memory effect, so it causes excellent retention.

Being that Snap-On Smile™ resin does not effect, scrape, crack or chip existing restoration it will adapt by utilizing the contour of the crown or veneer that same way it adapts by utilizing natural dentition.

Q : Can you wear them everyday? Will it break or tear?

Snap-On Smile™ can be worn everyday, all day. We suggest that the patient removes and cleans the appliance before going to bed unless the dental professional advises the patient to wear it while sleeping due to bruxism.

It will break if enough force is placed on the appliance. Special care is required just like any other dental appliance. The specially formulated resin gives it its long lasting use.

Q : Is it heat tolerant?

Yes, it can tolerate heat up to 200’ C.

Q : Does it maintain its color?

Yes. It is made out of a non-porous, microfilm material that does not allow anything to adhere to it. It is non-toxic and hypo-allergenic. The crystallized resin has the ability not to imbibe any food debris, bacteria, or discoloration. Smoking, consuming red wine and drinking coffee will not be a problem. What are the care instructions?

Remove the appliance and brush it before bedtime. You do not have to soak the appliance over night with cleaning solution. We recommend a Snap-On Smile™ Care Kit.

Q : What are the care instructions?

Brush it when taking it off before bed time. You do not have to soak the appliance over night with cleaning solution. Do not use toothpaste, it will take away the luster. Toothpaste it is NOT recommended. We recommend Snap-On Smile™ Care Kit.